Preparation: Clean nails with acetone-based nail polish remover. Gently buff area of new nail growth with the fine side of file, blending existing acrylic overlay.
1. Apply KISS® Acrylic Primer to the growth area of natural nail only. Do not get on skin or cuticles. Let dry.
2. Place a small bead of acrylic mixture onto growth area where the natural nail meets the overlay. Allow to level then pull down to blend with the entire nail surface and pat down until smooth.
3. Allow acrylic to harden for 3 – 5 minutes. Tap the nail surface with a manicure stick. A sharp “clicking” sound means the overlay is dry.
4. File entire nail surface to smooth and even overlay surface.
5. Use fine side of file or a KISS® White Buff Block to smooth and finish.
6. Apply clear polish for a glossy finish.
HOW TO REMOVE: Do not force, pry or pull nails off. Trim as much length off as possible and soak in an acetone-based polish remover for approximately 20 minutes, continuously wiping nail surface on paper towels until overlay melts off completely.